Nội thận - tiết niệu

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Hướng dẫn chẩn đoán và điều trị bệnh thận mạn và một số bệnh lý thận: Ban hành kèm theo Quyết định số 2388/QĐ-BYT ngày 12/8/2024-
2022Chronic Disease and Disability: The Pediatric Kidney, Second Edition/ Donald E. GreydanusDonald, E. Greydanus
2021Bệnh học nội khoa thận - tiết niệu tập 1: Giáo trình SĐHĐỗ, Gia Tuyển
2024Renal Nursing Care and Management of People with Kidney Disease / Nicola ThomasNicola, Thomas
2024Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology-Elsevie/ Richard J. JohnsonRichard, J. Johnson
2023Pediatric Kidney Disease Third Edition/ Franz SchaeferFranz, Schaefer
2023Management of Chronic Kidney Disease A Clinician’s Guide Second Edition/ Mustafa ArıcıMustafa, Arıcı
2023Handbook of Dialysis Therapy, E-Book/ Allen R. NissensonAllen, R. Nissenson
2022Thriving with kidney disease : a practical guide to taking care of your kidneys and yourself / Walter A. HuntWalter, A. Hunt
2022Technological Advances in Care of Patients with Kidney Diseases/ Subodh J. SaggiSubodh, J. Saggi
2022Renal Tubular Acidosis in Children New Insights in Diagnosis and Treatment/ Ricardo MuñozRicardo, Muñoz
2022Innovations in Nephrology Breakthrough Technologies in Kidney Disease Care/ Geraldo BezerraGeraldo, Bezerra
2022Complications in Kidney Transplantation A Case-Based Guide to Management/ Fahad AzizFahad, Aziz
2022Campbell Walsh Wein Handbook of Urology-Elsevier/ Alan W. PartinAlan, W. Partin
2022Approaches to Chronic Kidney Disease A Guide for Primary Care Providers and Non-Nephrologists/ Jerry McCauleyJerry, McCauley
2022Absolute Nephrology Review An Essential Q & A Study Guide Second Edition/ Alluru S. ReddiAlluru, S. Reddi
2021Pediatric Dialysis Third Edition/ Bradley A. WaradyBradley, A. Warady
2021Nephrology Worldwide/ José A. Moura-NetoJosé, A. Moura-Neto
2021Management of Bone Disease and Kidney Failure in Multiple Myeloma A Pocket Guide/ Elena ZamagniElena, Zamagni
2021Living Kidney Donation Best Practices in Evaluation, Care and Follow-up/ Krista L. LentineKrista, L. Lentine
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