Cardiology = Tim mạch

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Cardiological society of india cardiology: update 2022/ Vijay BangBang, Vijay
2023Cardiology secrets: Glenn n. Levine, mdn. Levine, Glenn md
2022Cardiology procedures: a clinical primer/ Robert C. HendelC. Hendel, Robert
2016Cardiology in a Heartbeat/ Amar VaswaniVaswani, Amar
2022Cardiovascular complications of covid-19: risk, pathogenesis and outcomes/ Umair MallickUmair, Mallick
2022Balloon pulmonary angioplasty in patients with CTEPH/ Francesco SaiaSaia, Francesco
2022ACCP ASHP cardiology pharmacy preparatory review/ Joanna GilletteGillette, Joanna
2021Case-based clinical cardiology/ Majid MalekiMaleki, Majid
2021Vasoplegic endothelial dysfunction: circulatory shock and methylene blue/ Paulo Roberto Barbosa EvoraRoberto Barbosa Evora, Paulo
2021Valvular heart disease a companion to braunwald’s heart disease/ Catherine m. OttoCatherine m., Otto
2021Transesophageal echocardiography for pediatric and congenital heart disease: Pierre C. WongC. Wong, Pierre
2021The esc textbook of cardiovascular imaging: José Luis ZamoranoLuis Zamorano, José
2020The echocardiography companion: Study guide and review/ Tarak RambhatlaRambhatla, Tarak
2022The cleveland clinic cardiology board review / Brian P. Griffin, MD, FACCP. Griffin, Brian
2021Management of bleeding patients/ Jun TeruyaTeruya, Jun
2021Textbook of cardiorenal medicine: Peter A. McCulloughA. McCullough, Peter
2021Sports cardiology: care of the athletic heart from the clinic to the sidelines/ David J. EngelDavid J., Engel
2021Atlas siêu âm tim trong hồi sức: Alexis SalernoAlexis, Salerno
2019Essential echocardiography: a companion to braunwald’s heart disease/ Scott D. Solomon, MDD. Solomon, Scott
2023Hướng dẫn điều trị dự phòng thuyên tắc huyết khối tĩnh mạch: Ban hành kèm theo Quyết định 3908/QĐ-BYT của Bộ Y tế ngày 20/10/2023Lương, Ngọc Khuê
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