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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Atlas of Medical Helminthology and ProtozoologyPeter, L. Chiodini
2011Atlas of ParasitologySameh M.Mohamadi AbdelGhani PhD, M.Mohamadi AbdelGhani PhD
2009Bệnh sốt rétNguyễn, Ngọc San
2017Cập nhật điều trị Viêm gan Virus C mạn (2017) – PGS.TS. Trần Văn HuyTrần, Văn Huy
2013Clinical Parasitology: A Practical Approach Second EditionElizabeth, A. Gockel-Blessing
2014Cryptosporidium: parasite and diseaseSimone, M. Caccio; Giovanni, Widmer
2009DIAGNOSING MEDICAL PARASITES: A Public Health Officers Guide to Assisting Laboratory and Medical OfficersCuomo, Michael J.
2007Diagnostic medical parasitologyLynne., Shore Garcia
2007Diagnostic Medical Parasitology/Lynne Shore GarciaShore Garcia, Lynne
2008Diagnostic Parasitology Laboratory Protocols, Aug 2007-
2016Encyclopedia of Parasitology Fourth EditionHeinz, Mehlhorn
2014Essentials of MEDICAL PARASITOLOGYSankar Sastry, Apurba
2021Evolutionary Parasitology, The Integrated Study of Infections/Paul schmid. hempelHempel, Paul schmid.
2018Foodborne Disease Handbook: vol II Viruses, Parasites, Pathogens, and HaccpY. H. Hui, ...
2018Foodborne Parasites Second EditionR. Ortega, Ynés; R. Sterling, Charles
2009Foundations of Parasitology, 8th EditionS. Roberts, Larry
2013Fungal Disease in Britain and the United States 1850–2000: Mycoses and ModernityAya Homei; Michael Worboys
2008Giáo trình ký sinh trùng thực hành: Dùng cho đào tạo cử nhân xét nghiệmLê, Thị Xuân chủ biên
2013Giáo Trình Ký Sinh Trùng Y Học/Nhữ Thị HoaNhữ, Thị Hoa