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Showing results [1 - 20] / 239  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
202230 years of guided bone regeneration / Daniel BuserDaniel, Buser
2008A Practical Guide to Hospital DentistryVarghese, K George
2021The ADA Practical Guide to Dental Implants / Luigi O. MassaLuigi, O. Massa
2016The ADA Practical Guide to Patients with Medical Conditions 2nd Edition/ Lauren L. PattonLauren, L. Patton
2022Adult Orthodontics Second Edition/ Birte MelsenBirte, Melsen
2010Advanced Dental Nursing/ Robert S. IrelandRobert S., Ireland
2021Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry/ Georgios E. RomanosGeorgios, E. Romanos
2020Advances in Periodontal Surgery A Clinical Guide to Techniques and Interdisciplinary Approaches/ Salvador NaresSalvador, Nares
2020Applications of Biomedical Engineering in Dentistry/ Lobat TayebiLobat, Tayebi
2015Atlas of Temporomandibular Joint Surgery/Peter D. QuinnQuinn, Peter D.
2017Atlas of Complex Orthodontics/Ravindra NandaNanda, Ravindra
2022Atlas of Frontal Sinus Surgery: A Comprehensive Surgical Guide/ David R. LoboDavid, R. Lobo
2018Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery 2018/ RichD KelermanRichD, Kelerman
2019Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery, 1st EditionMesa, John
2015Atlas of operative oral and maxillofacial surgery / Christopher J. HaggertyChristopher J., Haggerty
2017Atlas of oral and maxillofacial radiology / Bernard Koong.Bernard, Koong
2016Basic Dental Materials, Fourth EditionMANAPPALLIL, JOHN J
2012Basic guide to anatomy and physiology for dental care professionals / Carole HollinsCarole, Hollins
2016Bài giảng chấn thương hàm mặt-
2006Bài giảng răng hàm mặt: Sách đào tạo Bác sĩ giai đoạn IIMai, Đình Hưng