Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024 | Giáo trình kiểm nghiệm Vi sinh vật trong thực phẩm: Sách dùng cho đào tạo Cử nhân Kỹ thuật xét nghiệm Y học | Đặng, Thị Thùy Dương |
2022 | Medical Microbiology/KennethJ.Ryan | Ryan, KennethJ |
2016 | Topley and Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial Infections, 8 Volume Set 10th Edition/Bohumil S. Drasar | . Drasar, Bohumil S |
2018 | Clinical microbiology for diagnostic laboratory scientists/Sarah J. Pitt | . Pitt, Sarah J |
2018 | Infection Microbiology and Management 3rd Edition/Sarah J. Pitt | Pitt, Sarah J. |
2021 | Human Viruses Diseases, Treatments and Vaccines The New Insights/Shamim I. Ahmad | . Ahmad, Shamim I |
2021 | Viruses as Therapeutics Methods and Protocols/Alexandra R. Lucas | . Lucas, Alexandra R |
2014 | Thực Tập Vi Sinh Y Học – Đại Học Y Dược TPHCM/Cao Minh Nga | Cao, Minh Nga |
2019 | Pathogenicity and Drug Resistance of Human Pathogens/Saif Hameed | Hameed, Saif |
2020 | Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Protocols/John M. Walker | . Walker, John M |
2014 | Pretest Microbiology 14th Edition/Matthew B.Grisham | .Grisham, Matthew B |
2013 | Những xét nghiệm hóa sinh hiện đại sử dụng trong lâm sàng/Lê Xuân Trường | Lê Xuân, Trường |
2016 | Nesters Microbiology: A Human Perspective/Denise G. Anderson | . Anderson, Denise G |
2015 | Molecular medical microbiology/Yi-Wei Tang | Tang, Yi-Wei |
2019 | Mims Medical Microbiology and Immunology/Richard V. Goering | Goering, Richard V. |
2018 | Microbiology_ A Laboratory Manual, Global Edition/James G. Cappuccino | Cappuccino, James G. |
2019 | Microbiology Fundamentals - A Clinical approach, 2019/Marjorie kelly Cowan | kelly Cowan, Marjorie |
2015 | Microbiology for dummies/Jennifer C. Stearns | . Stearns, Jennifer C |
2017 | Konemans Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology/Gary W.Procop | Procop, Gary W. |
2022 | Human Microbiome Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Interventions/Sabu Thomas | Thomas, Sabu |