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Năm xuất bản Nhan đề Tác giả
20182018 American Society of Hematology / American Society of Clinical Oncology Hematology and Oncology Carrier Advisory Committee (CAC) Network Meeting-
2014A practical approach to relapsed multiple myelomaR. Mikhael, Joseph
2019ABO-incompatible Organ Transplantation/ Yi WangWang, Yi
2018Acute leukemia: an illustrated guide to diagnosis and treatmentEmadi, Ashkan
2022Advances in Hemophilia Treatment/E. Carlos Rodríguez-MerchánMerchán, E. Carlos Rodríguez
2014All transplantation-eligible patients with myeloma should receive ASCT in first responseMoreau, Philippe
2014Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia in older adultsL. Sorror, Mohamed
2011Alternatives to Blood Transfusion in Transfusion Medicine/ Alice ManiatisAlice, Maniatis
2010Analytical method validation And instrument performance Verification / CHUNG CHOW CHANCHUNG, CHOW CHAN
2021Anderson's Atlas of Hematology/Keila B. Poulsen. Poulsen, Keila B
2014Anticoagulation and in vitro fertilization and ovarian stimulationM. Bates, Shannon
2014Anticoagulation in pregnancy complicationsMiddeldorp, Saskia
2005Atlas of Clinical Hematology 6th EditionL. Heilmeyer; H. Begemann
2014Balancing cure and long-term risks in acute lymphoblasticB. Silverman, Lewis
2014Bài giảng Huyết học - Truyền máu/Đỗ Trung PhấnĐỗ, Trung Phấn
2006Bài giảng huyết học truyền máu (Sau đại học): Tái bản lần thứ nhất có sửa chữa bổ sungĐỗ, Trung Phấn chủ biên
2017Bảng tóm tắt các vật liệu lấy mẫu-
2014BCR pathway inhibition as therapy for chronic lymphocyticAdrian, Wiestner
2021Benign Hematologic Disorders in Children/Deepak M. KamatKamat, Deepak M.
2018Best Practices in Processing and Storage for Hematopoietic Cell TransplantationA. Abutalib, Syed ,...