Hóa sinh

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Medical Biochemistry: An Essential TextbookR. Panini, Sankhavaram
2022Hóa sinh lâm sàng: Sách đào tạo Đại học Y - Phần 1Tạ, Thành Văn
2023Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical ApproachLieberman, Michael A.
2021Trắc nghiệm 1000 câu hóa sinh theo từng chương/ Phan Bảo LâmPhan, Bảo Lâm
2012Textbook of Medical Biochemistry, 8th Edition/ Jitendar P VijJitendar, P Vij
2021MCAT® Biochemistry Review 2021–2022 / Alexander Stone Macnow,Alexander, Stone Macnow,
2017Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Biochemistry seventh edition/ Denise R. FerrierDenise, R. Ferrier
2023Kaplan MCAT Biochemistry Review/ Alexander Stone MacnowAlexander, Stone Macnow
2019USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2019: Biochemistry and Medical Gennetics/ Sam TurcoSam, Turco
2022MCAT® Biochemistry Review 2023–2024 / Alexander Stone MacnowAlexander, Stone Macnow
2020Hóa sinh y học: giáo trình giảng dạy đại học / Lâm Vĩnh NiênLâm, Vĩnh Niên
2014Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and clinical aspects THIRD EDITION/ William J. MarshallWilliam, J. Marshall
2023Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry / Peter J. KennellyPeter, J. Kennelly
2022Biochemistry of Apoptosis and Autophagy / Lorrie A. KirshenbaumLorrie, A. Kirshenbaum
2011Hóa sinh (ĐT cử nhân xét nghiệm) / Tạ Thành VănTạ, Thành Văn
2020Principles of Neurochemistry Fundamentals and Applications / Bijo MathewBijo, Mathew
2023The Renin Angiotensin System in Cardiovascular Disease/ Naranjan S. DhallaNaranjan, S. Dhalla
2019Comprehensive Biochemistry for Dentistry Textbook for Dental Students/ Anil GuptaAnil, Gupta
2021Clinical Chemistry Ninth Edition/ William J. MarshallWilliam, J. Marshall
2018Tietz textbook of clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics / Nader RifaiNader, Rifai
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