Khoa Vật lý trị liệu - Phục hồi chức năng

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Item Submit Date - Descending [/21]
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Advances in structural engineering and rehabilitation: select proceedings of trace 2018/ Sondipon AdhikariAdhikari, Sondipon
2020Rehabilitation Interventions in the Patient with Obesity/ Paolo CapodaglioCapodaglio, Paolo
2019The vital shoulder complex: an illustratedguide to assessment, treatment,and rehabilitation/ John GibbonsGibbons, John
2019Restoration, reconstruction and rehabilitation in head and neck cancer: Foreword by Dr. Jatin P. Shah/ Vijay V. HaribhaktiV. Haribhakti, Vijay
2019Oxford handbook of rehabilitation medicine/ Manoj SivanSivan, Manoj
2019Oral rehabilitation for compromised and elderly patients/ Alexandre MerselMersel, Alexandre
2019New technologies to improve patient rehabilitation/ Habib M. FardounM. Fardoun, Habib
2019New dynamics of disability and rehabilitation interdisciplinary perspectives/Ivan HarsløfHarsløf, Ivan
2019Management and Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injuries/ Hyun-Yoon KoKo, Hyun-Yoon
2018Exercise and sports pulmonology: pathophysiological adaptations and rehabilitation/ Annalisa CogoCogo, Annalisa
2019Brain-machine interfaces for assistance and rehabilitation of people with reduced mobility/ Enrique HortalHortal, Enrique
2019Enhancing Healthcare and Rehabilitation: The Impact of Qualitative ResearchChristopher, M. Hayre
2019Cubital tunnel syndrome: diagnosis, management and rehabilitation/ John R. FowlerR. Fowler, John
2019Cardiac rehabilitation for patients with obesity/ A.L. BredenoordA.L., Bredenoord
2018Traumatic brain injury: rehabilitation, treatment, and case management, fourth edition/ Mark J. AshleyJ. Ashley, Mark
2018Topics in cognitive rehabilitation in the tbi post-hospital phase/ Renato AnghinahAnghinah, Renato
2018Tennis medicine: a complete guide to evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation/ Giovanni Di GiacomoDi Giacomo, Giovanni
2018Serious games in physical rehabilitation: from theory to practice/ Bruno BonnechèreBonnechère, Bruno
2018Rehabilitation robotics: technology and application/ Roberto ColomboColombo, Roberto
2018Perturbation treadmill training in parkinson’s disease a novel: approach for neurological rehabilitation/ Sarah KlamrothKlamroth, Sarah
Item Submit Date - Descending [/21]