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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010The Practical Guide to the Genetic Family History/Robin L. BennettBennett, Robin L
2021Genetic Counseling Practice/Bonnie S. LeRoyLeRoy, Bonnie S
2009Hereditary Tumors/Heike AllgayerAllgayer, Heike
2017Animal models and human reproduction / Heide SchattenHeide, Schatten
2012Tissue and cell processing : an essential guide / Deirdre FehilyDeirdre, Fehily
2009Tissue and cell donation : an essential guide / Ruth M. Warwick.Ruth M., Warwick
2012Tissue and cell clinical use : an essential guide / Ruth M. Warwick.Ruth M., Warwick
2010Applications of flow cytometry in stem cell research and tissue regeneration / Awtar KrishanAwtar, Krishan
2006Culture of cells for tissue engineering/ Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic.Gordana Vunjak-, Novakovic
2017Molecular Pathology:The Molecular Basis of Human Disease, Second EditionColeman, William B.
2010Molecular Diagnostics, Second EditionPatrinos, George P.
2005Molecular DiagnosticsPATRINOS, GEORGE P.
2010Molecular Diagnostics: Promises and PossibilitiesDebnath, Mousumi
2018Human BiologyMader, Sylvia S.
2017Grapevine Viruses: Molecular Biology, Diagnostics and ManagementMeng, Baozhong
2012Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: Diagnostic and Molecular Genetic PathologyPei Hui
2012Genomic Structural Variants: Methods and ProtocolsLars Feuk
2011Essential medical geneticsConnor, Michael
2017Cell Biology, THIRD EDITIOND. Pollard, Thomas
2013Cell and Molecular Biology of Breast CancerSchatten, Heide
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